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Preparation Tips To Crack PCS Exam in First Attempt

PCS exam most commonly known as Punjab Civil Services is an exam conducted by PPSC Punjab Public Service Commission for recruitment of candidates for the posts of state bureaucracy includes Executive posts, Excise taxation officer, PPS Deputy Superintendent of police, Block division Officer etc. Number candidates dream to become PCS but few make it possible because of lack of resources, knowledge and dedication. We at Gurukul Career Group leading PCS coaching in Chandigarh is the only PCS academy that provides coaching and guidance for PCS aspirants in English, Hindi and Punjabi language. We at Gurukul Career Group best PPSC coaching in Chandigarh provides you quality education for PCS exam and have assured Success guarantee for our students. Today in this article we will discuss about the tips for first step of PCS exam that is Preparation tips to crack PCS exam in first attempt.

Punjab PCS Important Tips & Topics For preliminary exam

PCS exams are the state exams one should be conscious of the history and geography of the actual state.

PCS may be a government officials’ exam the candidates should be ready for a high difficulty level and mentally prepared for fixing an honest amount of diligence.

The exam may be a state exam one must have basic knowledge of the country, the newest happenings within the country too. For that, the candidates must start following one national newspaper so as to stay themselves well acquainted of the happenings in and round the world.

Fix your goal and begin preparing early, as early as after your Class X exam. this may offer you a foothold over other students.

Understand the syllabus thoroughly and make a firm routine in order that you cover all the themes

Go back to your basics, albeit meaning pertaining to your Class VI, VII, VIII, books surely subjects (NCERT books).

Read the Hindu News Papers On day to day. Make Self Notes.

Identify your weak subjects and begin performing on them in order that you gain a stronghold.

Solve maximum mock tests and previous year papers available at gurukul career group best pcs coaching in Chandigarh.

Paper-I General Studies-I Important Tips: Habit of Reading daily newspaper helps in preparing Current events of national and international importance.

Each paper carries 200 marks and 2 hrs. for each paper.

Important Topics: – History of India and Indian National Movement, Indian and World Geography – Physical, Social, geography of India and therefore the World, Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution, form of government, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc., Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development Poverty Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc., General Issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity, and Topics related to climate change.

Paper-II General Studies-II Important Tips:

·       Comprehension

·       Interpersonal skills including communication skills.

·       Logical reasoning and analytical ability.

·       Decision making and problem-solving.

·       General capacity

Elementary Mathematics up to Class X level as maximum questions will be asked from arithmetic section also called Quantitate Aptitude.

·       General English up to Class X level.

·       General Hindi up to Class X level.

Current events of national and international importance: – On Current Events of National and International importance, candidates are going to be expected to possess knowledge about them.

History of India and Indian National Movement: – In History emphasis should get on broad understanding social, economic and political aspects of Indian history. within the Indian National Movement, the candidates are expected to possess a synoptic view of nature and character of the liberty movement, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence.

Indian and World Geography: – Physical, Social, geography of India and therefore the World: – In World Geography only general understanding of the topic are going to be expected. Questions on the Geography of India will relate to Physical, Social & geography of India.

Indian Polity and Governance: – Constitution, form of government, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc: – In Indian Polity, Economic and Culture, questions will test knowledge of country’s form of government including Panchayati Raj and Community Development, broad features of policy in India and Indian Culture.

Economic and Social Development: – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc: – The candidates are going to be tested with reference to problems and therefore the relationship between Population, Environment, and Urbanization. General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity, and global climate change – that don’t require subject specialization. General awareness of the topic is predicted from candidates.

General Science: – Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and understanding of Science including matters of everyday observation and knowledge, as could also be expected of a well-educated person.

Note: – Candidate is predicted to possess general awareness about the above subjects with special regard to Punjab.

Numerical Ability or Quantative Aptitude

Questions on Numerical & capacity are going to be simple, of A level that a mean Intermediate are going to be during a position to answer comfortably.

In this Section, the Question are going to be associated with the Numerical & capacity Test from 12th Standard.

Important Topics: – Number systems: Natural Numbers, Integers, Rational and irrational numbers, Real numbers, Divisors of an Integer, prime integers, L.C.M. and H.C.F. of integers and their interrelationship, Ratio and proportion, Averages, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound interests, Time Distance, Trains, Boat Streams, Factors of polynomials, L.C.M., and H.C.F.

Important tips for English language exam:

Mainly specialise in topics like Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Error, Sentence correction, fill within the blanks, Comprehension & cloze procedure etc Improvements Etc. Comprehension, active and passive, Parts of Speech, Transformation of Sentences, Direct and Indirect Speech., Punctuation and Spellings, Words Meanings, Vocabulary & usage, Idioms, and Phrases, Fill within the Blanks.

I hope this article helps you to Prepare your PCS exam more efficiently.