Indispensible Study & ISTC(CSIO) Exam Tips for Every Student
No one is born intelligent. It is education, study, as well as hard work that makes us smart and exams, are just an opportunity to demonstrate our intelligence and show our hard study to others! While plenty of great study tips as well as examination tips are available on the web, we dearth to introduce to you some of the study and exam tips and tactics as well as exclusive tricks that work best for our students and that aid our students get the best of their studies:
#1 Keep Your Smartphone Shut
A smartphone is as dangerous as influential it is. Our WhatsApp keep buzzing, and then we have Facebook notifications too, and still, we requisite to check who liked our Instagram photo and retweeted our tweet! We spend hours on the phone deprived of even realizing it, and we all have been there. Let’s not do that in test time!
When preparing for exams or just reviewing in normal routine, turn your phone off or just put it on silent or Do-Not-Disturb mode. It can save you hours. More highly, it can increase your focus and you’ll be able to utilize your study time in more well-organized ways.
#2 Solve Past Exam Papers and Mock Tests
By solving previous year’s questions as well as taking mock tests, you can make yourself familiar with the exam patterns and check how well prepared you are.
Try to take previous exams, set the timer and feel like you’re writing your paper at the examination centre. This practice goes a long way. It also helps you check if you can finish your test within the allotted time.
#3 Keep Water Bottle Handy
Exam stress is common! We all face it. Those who say that they don’t are either lying or don’t care about their career. Well, if you care about your career (You do! That’s why you are reading this!) and feel stressed during exams, that’s flawlessly normal. Feel relaxed, keep a water bottle with you and drink water at regular intervals. It will retain your mind and body in a relaxed yet active mode.
#4 Take Proper Sleep
When it comes to exam preparation, the chief thing you tend to do is cut the sleep time. Just don’t do that. By reducing those two hours of your sleep, you’re cutting down your output.
Studying 12 hours a day with more output is better than studying 14 hours a day with less output. We are not participating in a race for how many hours we can study, but we are trying to study keenly, get our syllabus done and score well!
If you sleep for appropriate hours (generally 7-8 hours of sleep is what normal people need), your mind will be more active during the hours you are awake.
#5 Eat Healthy Food
Food plays an important role in our health and how active we are. When it comes to medical exams, we just can’t take any risk. So, what’s the heck? Well, the heck is simple. Eat healthy. Avoid fasting in addition to junk food!
Istc (csio) Coaching In Chandigarh
Gurukul Career Group offers ISTC Coaching in Chandigarh. Gurukul Career Group is a famous coaching institute for the Best ISTC Coaching in Chandigarh. They have a 100% victory rate in the whole of Northern India for CSIO Entrance Exam Coaching. They proffer practice sets as well as test series to furnish the student’s knowledge. For a variety of competitive examinations, coaching classes are provided by them. They deal to satisfy the prerequisite of candidates for the readiness for examinations.